Title 16 - Tribal Education Code
Sec. 101. Title
Sec. 102. Authority of the Tribal Government
Sec. 103. Findings, Intents and Purposes, and Declaration of Policy
Sec. 104. Definitions
Sec. 105. Construction of Tense Used
Sec. 106. Masculine Gender Inclusive
Sec. 107. Reference to Code Includes Amendments
Sec. 108. Severability
Sec. 109. Repeal of Inconsistent Ordinances
Chapter 2: Tribal Education Department
Sec. 201. Education Committee
Sec. 202. Board of Directors of the Fort Peck Tribal Education Department
Sec. 203. Tribal Education Department
Chapter 3: School Board and Governing Bodies
Sec. 301. School Boards
Sec. 302. Governing Bodies of Other Educational Institutions
Chapter 4: Curriculum and Education Standards
Chapter 5: Parental and Community Involvement
Chapter 8: Chartered Educational Programs and Chartered Schools
Sec. 801. Chartered Educational Programs and Chartered Schools
Sec. 901. Purpose
Sec. 902. Qualifications for home school
Sec. 903. Home school testing
Sec. 904. Home school visitation and evaluation