Title 29 - Adult Protection
Chapter 1. Purpose and Definitions
Sec. 101. Purpose
Sec. 102. Definitions
Chapter 2. Report of Abuse
Sec. 201. Obligation to Report.
Sec. 202. Contents of Report
Sec. 203. Immunities
Chapter 3. Investigation and Provisions of Protective Services
Sec. 301. APT Investigation
Sec. 301. APT Investigation
Sec. 302. Cooperation by Other Agencies
Sec. 303. Provision of Protection Services
Sec. 304. Central Registry
Sec. 305. Consent to Protective Services
Sec. 306. Reports to the Tribal Prosecutor
Chapter 4. Self-endangerment
Sec. 401. Self-endangerment
Chapter 5. Lack of Capacity to Consent to Protective Services
Sec. 501. Petition to Court for Determination of Capacity
Sec. 502. Definition of Lack of Capacity
Sec. 503. Rights to the Adult
Sec. 504. Hearing-Determination by the Court machines
Sec. 505. Adult Protection Order
Sec. 506. Duration of the Adult Protection Order
Chapter 6. Record keeping and Access to Records
Sec. 601. APT Records
Sec. 602. Confidentiality
Chapter 7. Penalties for Abuse
Sec. 701. Prosecution Under Title 7
Sec. 702. Prosecution under Title 29