Title 27 - Licensing and Regulation
of Bingo and other Games of
Chapter 1. Findings
Sec. 101. The Tribal Executive Board finds
Chapter 2. Definitions
Sec. 201. Class 1 gaming.
Sec. 202. Class 2 gaming.
Sec. 203. Class 3 gaming
Sec. 204. Traditional forms of Indian gaming.
Sec. 205. Social games for prizes of minimal value.
Sec. 206. Tribal subdivision.
Sec. 207. Net revenues.
Sec. 208. Primary management official.
Sec. 209. Bingo machine
Sec. 210. Draw poker machine
Sec. 211. Keno machine
Sec. 212. Simulcast racing
Sec. 213. Lottery games
Sec. 214. Key employee
Chapter 3. Class 1 Gaming
Sec. 301. Regulation of Class 1 gaming.
Chapter 4. Licensing Class 2 and Class 3 Gaming
Sec. 401. Regulation of Class 2 and Class 3 gaming.
Sec. 402. Repealed.
Sec. 403. Status as a tribal subdivision.
Sec. 404. Licenses for Class 2 gaming activities.
Sec. 405. License fees and duration of license.
Sec. 406. Hearing on application for a license.
Sec. 407. Conditions of the tribal license.
Sec. 408. Assignment or transfer.
Sec. 409. Denial, cancellation and suspension.
Sec. 410. Uses of net revenues of gaming activities.
Sec. 411. Annual outside audit.
Sec. 412. Reports to the Tribes.
Sec. 413. Licensing for Key Employees and Primary Management Officials.
Sec. 414. Raffles.
Sec. 415. Criminal penalties.
Sec. 416. Protection of the Environment and Public Health and Safety
Chapter 5. Class 3 Gaming
Sec. 501. Permitted Class 3 games
Sec. 502. Conditions of Class 3 games
Sec. 503. Special conditions on simulcast racing
Sec. 503-A. Special conditions on lottery games
Sec. 504. Special conditions for bingo, draw Poker and Keno machines
Sec. 505. Management contracts
Sec. 506. Criminal penalties
Chapter 6. Self-Regulation of Gaming Activities
Sec. 601. Petition for certification of self-regulation
Sec. 602. Waiver of tribal requirements based on certification of self-regulation
Chapter 7. National Indian Gaming Commission
Sec. 701. Authority of the Commission
Sec. 702. Failure to cooperate with the Commission
Sec. 703. Commission regulations and guidelines superseding this