Title 12 - Probate
and Guardianship
Sec. 101. Jurisdiction
Sec. 102. Determination of heirs
Sec. 103. Public notice of hearing
Sec. 104. Service of notice on interested parties
Sec. 105. Proof of service of notice of hearing
Sec. 106. Descent of property where there is no valid will
Sec. 107. Definition of surviving spouse
Sec. 108. Afterborn heirs
Sec. 109. Relatives of half blood
Sec. 110. Protection of the estate
Sec. 111. Claims
Sec. 112. Distribution
Sec. 113. Wills
Sec. 114. Surviving spouse's elective share
Sec. 115. Revocation of the will by writing or act
Sec. 116. Revocation by divorce or annulment
Sec. 117. Where a beneficiary of a will fails to survive the decedent
Sec. 118. Fees
Chapter 2. Guardianship and Powers of Attorney
Sec. 201. Definition of guardian
Sec. 202. Persons to whom guardians may be appointed
Sec. 203. How guardians are appointed
Sec. 204. Duties of a guardian
Sec. 205. Accounting by the guardian
Sec. 206. Termination of guardianship
Sec. 207. Powers of attorney